Further reading

Any of these will help you take things further. Please see Young, Manthorp and Howells (2010), detailed below, for a more extensive bibliography.

Adams, T. and Gardiner, P. (2005). Communication and interaction within dementia care triads: Developing a theory for relationship-centred care. Dementia, 4 (2), 185-205.

  • This article emphasises the importance of a good communicative relationship between professionals and formal carers, people living with dementia, and their family members.

Alzheimer’s Society (2009). Website, available online at http://www.alzheimers.org.uk

  • There is an excellent factsheet on communication and dementia – click here.

Hargie, O. and Dickson D. (2004). Skilled Interpersonal Communication. 4th edition. Routledge, Hove.

  • A very good general introduction to research into communication.

Killick, J. and Allan K. (2001). Communication and the Care of People with Dementia. Open University Press, Buckingham.

  • A wonderful book exploring communication and care of interest to anyone touched by dementia.

Kitwood, T. (1997). Dementia Reconsidered: The Person Comes First. Open University Press, Philadelphia, PA.

  • A founding text describing the idea of a ‘person-centred’ approach.

Savundranayagan, M. Y., Ryan E. B, Anas A. P. and Orange J. B. (2007a).Communication and dementia: Staff perceptions of conversation strategies. Clinical Gerontologist, 31 (2), 47-63.

Savundranayagan, M. Y., Ryan E. B and Hummert M. L. (2007b). Communication, health and ageing: Promoting empowerment. In A.Weatherall, B. M. Watson and C. Gallois (Eds.)Language, Discourse and Social Psychology. Palgrave. Basingstoke.

  • Two articles which show how people are going about conducting research into communication and people living with dementia.

Young, T. J. & Manthorp, C. (2009). Towards a code of practice for effective communication with people with dementing illnesses. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 28 (2), pp.174-189.

  • An article where we explain the technical and theoretical background to DEMTEC, and where we highlight the need for more effective communication involving people living with dementia.

Young, T.J., Manthorp, C. & Howells, D. (2010). Communication and Dementia: New Perspectives, New Approaches. Barcelona: Editorial Aresta. ISBN: 9788493787097. Available in a Spanish language edition as “Comunicación y Demencia. Nuevas Perspectivas, Nuevos Enfoques”, ISBN: 9788497889117, and in Catalan as “Comunicació i Demència. Noves Perspectives, Nous Enfocaments”, ISBN: 9788497889377.

  • A detailed look at recent thought and practice which recognises the central role of communication in the lives of people living with dementia.

Young, T.J., Manthorp, C., Howells, D. & Tullo, E. (Forthcoming, 2011). Optimizing communication between medical professionals  and people living with dementia.International Psychogeriatrics (2011), 23:7, pp.1078–1085

  • A full account of the consultation process and development of a final version of a ‘core’ toolkit and its future evaluation.