
DemTalk is a free, web-based toolkit to help improve communication with people with dementia.

It was produced in a project facilitated by the Alzheimer’s Society UK, by teams of stakeholders including communication researchers, technology designers, health and social care experts, carers and people living with dementia.

Different versions of the toolkit are tailored for the needs of different audiences, including family members, carers and medical professionals.

Your feedback will help us

If you've used the DemTalk toolkit either as a Family Carer, a Social Carer or as a Health and Social Care professional, we'd really appreciate it if you could fill out our feedback form, please click here, it shouldn't take any more than five minutes of your time.

Dementia Staying Connected and Living Well

Dementia Staying Connected and Living Well is a free and open online course for carers run by experts from Newcastle University. 

It will help you to understand dementia and its effects and to stay connected to loved ones, manage stress at home and diffuse difficult situations. 

Click here for more information: